Evolution professionnelle
Professional Development
Boost your career
ENAC Alumni is here to support you throughout your career. Whether you're looking for a job, moving on, training, retraining, finding a mentor or forging new partnerships, don't hesitate to browse through our range of services, we'll find solutions for you.
Here you'll find documents and links to the essential resources made available by the association! Employment is at the heart of our dynamic, whether for graduates seeking career development or for students seeking career guidance. Today, more than ever, alumni need to help each other find their place in an increasingly competitive job market. The ENAC Alumni professional toolbox has been designed to make it easier to find and circulate job offers, to promote exchanges between graduates and to encourage interaction with recruiting companies.

In this area, you can browse our job offers and/or post your own job offers as a recruiter in order to propose them to the community.

Throughout the year, we'll be offering you HR-specific webinars on topics such as networking basics, career transition, expatriation, salary negotiation, using social networks, leveraging your strengths, work-life balance, etc.

In this area, you can take advantage of our support services (reserved for members): short- and long-term coaching, interview simulations, CV proofreading, etc.

Building and enriching your network is essential throughout your life, whether you're looking for a job or not. Would you like to exchange ideas and learn more about technical topics? Are you looking to retrain? Start your own business? Expatriate? Would you like to meet up with your classmates?
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