The States of the air


ENAC ALUMNI is setting up the third edition of ETATS DE L'AIR, a unique one-day conferences with the presence of experts and key decision-makers of aeronautic and aviation sector.

The ETATS DE L'AIR has a double motivation:

  • Gathering eminent professionals of our industry to obtain their vision of what could become air transport within the next 10 years, while we will encourage interactions between people who will attend these debates and round tables.

  • Proposing more technical conferences, in a logic of maintaining skills, through current subjects such as cybersecurity, regulation, or even agile methods...

Every profesionnal in the aviation can join this adventure, whether you are graduated from the ENAC or an another school, the MASTER CLASS of ENAC ALUMNI will become your day of reference, which will allow you to learn, to discover and simply to exchange.

Each year, this event takes place in September/October at the DGAC Farman. 

A summary of 2023 edition:
Pictures: HERE