Events calendar


The ENAC Student Gala, but also the Alumni and Staff Gala!

We're delighted to announce that the ENAC Gala will be back on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2023!
This special occasion of ENAC's 75th anniversary, we want to bring the whole school together. This year, the ENAC GALA is back with a new format! On FRIDAY 17 NOVEMBER, in addition to the student atmosphere which will reign in the gymnasium, we have thought of the Gala as a moment of meeting for all those currently and formerly at ENAC. We are thinking in particular of alumni and members of staff. There will be two themed bars inspired by the film Gastby the Magnificent, which will be the theme of this year's Gala. And don't miss the delicious buffet followed by a performance by the cabaret La Vénus, which is sure to dazzle you, not forgetting the fireworks, the real highlight of the show.

We hope to see many of you there to make this event THE ENAC GALA and not just the one for students.

To buy your tickets: Billetterie : Gala ENAC 2023 - Billetweb 

All the best,

The ENAC Gala team
from Friday 17 November
to Saturday 18 November 2023
04:00 (GMT +1)
7 Av. Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse


7 Av. Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse

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from Friday 17 November
to Saturday 18 November 2023
04:00 (GMT +1)
7 Av. Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse
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