Calendrier des évènements

Task Force on A-CDM for Regional and Smaller Airports (Session No. 3)

Groupe "Think Tank Aéroport"

A Task Force of the Airport Think Tank

** This virtual event will be held in English **

During the third session of this task force of the Airport Think Tank, the participants will discuss how for regional airports differ from a "Full A-CDM", and how other current and emerging concepts apply to these airports (e.g., Advanced ATC-Tower, S-CDM, …).

Note: Participation is open to the members of the Airport Think Tank. You can join the think tank from this website.

Mercredi 2 juin 2021
16h00 - 17h00 (GMT +1)
L'événement est organisé en ligne

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Mercredi 2 juin 2021
16h00 - 17h00 (GMT +1)
L'événement est organisé en ligne
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